Our services

Training and Behavior Services
For Your Dogs

Our services

Training and Behavior Services
For Your Dogs

Our group classes are great for puppies and young dogs, including rescues. Your dog will love learning through games, and you’ll both have fun. Achieve real-life applicable results with skills that you’ll use in home and in other places you go together.

All classes meet once per week for six weeks. We limit classes to 6 pups and handlers so you get lots of individual attention. 

Group Classes

Puppy Kindergarten Class

FOR YOUNG PUPPIES, age 8-20 weeks

Everything you need to get off to a great start with your young puppy!

Topics we cover:

  • Housebreaking
  • Common puppy behaviors that humans struggle with (such as puppy nipping/mouthing), barking in crate, other.
  • Foundation games for skill building: It’s all about building connection and confidence at this stage all through games which teach a few foundational skills, play, and exploration.
  • How to navigate distractions with ease and confidence.

Skills we focus on:

  • Recall (coming when called)
  • Drop/Out, taught through play
  • Beginning steps of going to “place”
  • Following on a Loose-Lead (intro to Loose-Lead Walking)
  • Learning to make good choices for reward.
  • And more!

It is also an OPEN ENROLLMENT class so your puppy can enroll and join anytime as long as we have a slot available.

AKC S.T.A.R Puppy Evaluation is offered as part of this class for those who are present for 6 out of 6 classes and who desire and/or qualify for this evaluation. 

Six-week class tuition: $275

When and where do classes meet?

Classes meet on Saturday mornings at 10am at Pet Med Plus Vet Clinic located at 2848 Holcomb Bridge Road, Alpharetta, GA 30022. We meet outdoors in a shaded area. Inclement weather days will be made up.

Payment secures your pup’s spot in class. As soon as you register, we will give you your start date. Classes are filled on a first come first serve basis.

No refunds will be issued within the 7 days prior to the commencement of your pup’s first class. 

This class is specifically for young puppies at or UNDER 20 weeks of age. If your pup is a bit older, our Pup 2 Perfection 101 Class for older puppies.

Pup2Perfection 101 Beginning Life Skills Class

For pups and pooches older than 5 months.

Designed to give your pup the best start possible in becoming a happy, healthy and well-mannered canine companion.

Your pup will graduate from this class with a solid set of beginning level foundational skills and the joy of playing games with you.

Class meets once per week for six weeks. We limit classes to 6 pups and handlers so you get lots of individual attention. 

We cover foundation skills, basic manners, and problem solving.

Skills taught include:

  • Coming when called
  • Drop/out
  • Leave it
  • Self-Control, beginning steps: The power of choice and rewarding great choices
  • Beginning levels of going to “place”
  • Follow Me: beginning steps of walking on a loose lead
  • Sit with some duration
  • Down, with some duration
  • Stay, beginning steps
  • How to handle distractions in the environment with ease and confidence

Other topics covered include:

  • Housebreaking
  • Nipping and mouthing
  • Socialization
  • Crate Training
  • Prevention of issues such as resource guarding and other forms of aggressive behavior
  • What is your pup saying to you? How to read your pup’s body language

Concepts we focus on include

  • Building your pup’s confidence and optimism as well as yours
  • Connection through play and training games (influenced by Absolute Dogs)
  • Importance of Clear Communication with your pup or pooch (use of marker words, release cues plus the importance of positive reinforcement and timing)

Six-week class tuition: $275

New class: TBD

REGISTRATION IS OPEN. Payment secures your pup or pooch’s spot in this class

When and where do classes meet?

Classes are held at Pet Med Plus Vet Clinic, 2848 Holcomb Bridge Road in Alpharetta, GA 30022. We meet outdoors in a shaded area. Inclement weather days will be made up.

Next Start Date: Wednesday, June 4th at 9 a.m.

Payment secures your pup’s spot in class. Classes are filled on a first come first serve basis.

No refunds will be issued within the 7 days prior to the commencement of your pup’s first class.

This class is for puppies over 5 months.

Pup2Perfection 202 – Intermediate Life Skills Class

For dogs who have completed Pup2Perfection 101 OR Teenage Transformation Life Skills Class OR a private training package of 8 sessions or more.

Teenage Transformation Class

For dogs 6 months to two years who have some previous training experience.

This class is designed to meet the needs of dogs who need ongoing training as they and their owners face the challenges unique to doggie adolescence.

We’ll teach concepts and skills which build focus, calmness, and the ability to disengage from environmental stimuli and distractions. You will also learn about why this stage of life can be so challenging for some and how to understand and meet these challenges head on and in the best way.  

Six-week class tuition: $275

This is a 6-week long OPEN ENROLLMENT course, so as long as we have a spot available, you and your pooch may join us at any time without having to be wait-listed. Pre-Requisite: Puppy Kindergarten OR a private training package of 8 lessons. 

The start time for Teenage Transformation is 8:30 a.m. on Saturday mornings.

Who can enroll?

Even if you have not taken a class before with us, your dog may still be a candidate for this class if you have taken a puppy or other beginning level class elsewhere OR have done a private training package with us. Give us a call and we will be happy to answer any questions.

When and where do classes meet?

Classes are held at Pet Med Plus Vet Clinic, 2848 Holcomb Bridge Road in Alpharetta, GA 30022. We meet outdoors in a shaded area. Inclement weather days will be made up.

Doggie Detectives 6-Week In-Person Class

Prerequisite: 12-Week Scent Work 4 Fun Online Course. 

Next start date: Saturday, TBD

The location will change each week as we get your pooches out and about to do their detective work. 

Limited to 4 participants

6-week class tuition: $275

Virtual Group Classes

Scent Work 4 Fun 12-Week Beginning Level Online Class

Do you want to work together as a team with your dog to solve puzzles and just have fun exploring together?

Do you want to be wowed, dazzled and amazed by your dogs unique gift and talent? Then this class is for you.

Did you know how important it is for our dogs to explore with their noses? It is their unique and most powerful gift. Just over 40% of a dogs brain is olfactory. Recent studies have shown that dogs who participate in Nose/Scent Work Classes and Activities have fewer behavior issues. And, for those dogs who do struggle with issues such as fear, reactivity,  certain forms of aggression or even anxiety, scent work games can help reduce the severity of these issues by building confidence, relationship with their handler, and a purposeful job to do which uses their best quality: the canine nose.  

The power of Scent Work cannot be underestimated AND it is FUN. REALLY FUN!!!  

This course includes a variety of fun games that you can easily do in your home, garden, out and about on a walk or hike, with or without team mates. All you need is you, your dog, and  just a small handful of other things.

Twelve-week class tuition: $425

Next Start Date: Tuesday, May 20th, 2025 at 6:30 p.m.

REGISTRATION IS OPEN/Payment secures spot in class

Solutions for Reactive Dogs

Ditch The Label-Turn The Page: 12-Week Online Course

For dogs who struggle with reactivity (AKA Leash Aggression), this is a course for all ages and skill levels.   

Does your dog have big emotions? Does your dog just have lots to say? About everything? Is your dog missing a dimmer switch? Or maybe just an off switch? Are you tired of all the labels, the embarrassment, the frustration, and even the fear of walking down your own neighborhood street? Then you have come to the right course.

This is where we ditch that “R” word and replace it with the “T” word: Transformation. And, while we are ditching things that do not serve, feel free to  ditch the “walks” as well…For now. We’ve got games for you instead that will inspire you and that will build the confidence and connection needed at both ends of the lead for ultimate on-lead walking success.

Leash Reactivity is without a doubt the top struggle we see in dogs living in the 21st century. It leaves dog owners, frustrated, embarrassed, scared to death in some cases, and feeling just plain helpless.

There is HOPE for you and your dog. It does not need to be this way. In fact, as the owner of a once reactive dog (now deceased) myself, I have been there with the fear, the embarrassment, and the isolation. If we could overcome this, so can your dog with the right approach.

Structure and support

The structure alternates one week of instruction and skill building with the next week dedicated to Q&A and owner support. We know there will be MANY questions as we move through this course and we want to be able to answer all of them.

There will also be a special Facebook Support Group specifically dedicated to you and your special needs pooch. This will be a space of support and encouragement. We know well the emotions that come along with owning a dog with special needs.

Why virtual rather than in person?

This virtual option is the BEST way to begin working with your reactive pooch. Your pooch does not need to be with other dogs to learn how to cope better ….Not in the beginning. In the beginning, we take the dog away from the situation and work FOR the situation. We build the skills needed to cope and respond to environmental triggers differently.  In other words, we begin in the shallow end of the swimming pool with floaters and gradually build towards being able to handle the deeper end (your dog’s specific triggers).

12-week class tuition: $425

This VIRTUAL CLASS will be held on ZOOM for 12 weeks at  6:30 p.m. Duration: 1 hour  Cost: 425.00.  Limited to 10 dog-handler teams.  

Next Start Date: Thursday, May 22nd, 2025 at 6:30 p.m.


This is a specialty course that we offer only twice a year so now is the time to jump in!

Feel free to call with any questions: 678-642-2282

This class is being taught by a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant, CDBC.  

PREREQUISITE:  Either an online OR in person Behavior Consultation